Thursday, July 30, 2009

Chiller the Horror Channel

I'm sure you know that there are TV stations that are specifically for one type of show, or movie. Like for example sci-fi or mystery. A couple of weeks ago I discovered a new channel. Well, it's not really new. Just new to me.

This station is all about horror and the supernatural. It's called Chiller. The first time I noticed it there was this horribly made zombie movie on. Even though the acting was terrible, and I couldn't keep watching after 10-15 minutes, I had found my new favorite station. Since I am one of the biggest horror fans, ever.

There are two great things about Chiller. The first is the movies. The majority of them are B movies, or just straight to TV. There are some that never should have ever been made in the first place. The majority of them though are pretty wicked. A lot of them are even from other countries. There seems to be quite a few from the U.K., but that doesn't make them less fun to watch.

The other reason is the TV shows. They have well run shows like Poltergeist: The Legacy. It was on for three or four season, and it's a great show. It was started with a basis on the Poltergeist movies, and was all about ghosts, demons, and all the things that go bump in the night. They show episodes every day at 4pm.

Then there's the short lived British show called Strange. There was only about seven episodes, but even after it was canceled it grew a cult following. After watching some of the show I fell in love with it, and am sad that it was canceled so quickly. It was about a former priest, John Strange, whose life was turned upside down when his fiancee was murdered by a demon. He now deals with the strange and unusual. I'm still hoping to find this show on DVD, but so far no luck.

All I can say is horror rocks.

Words by Ali


  1. I like to be scared out of my wits, but hate it at the same time. Movies like The Shining I can only watch during the day - and even then I'm shrinking down into the couch :)

    I also like Fringe - awesome Sci-Fi TV for those of us who don't get "Chiller".

    I'd love to have you drop by my place: Life Makes Me Laugh

  2. That's one of the reasons I like scary movies, is to be scared. But only if it's in the form of a movie, or TV show. If I'm being scared by my brother, that's a whole other story.
    Thanx for the comment.

  3. B movies and Fringe!! Love them both. My oldest had a head injury and was off school for a month. Doc told him to not think or do anything.

    We had a "of the Living dead" marathon.
    Night of the Living Dead (still the best)
    Flight of the Living Dead
    Return of the Living Dead
    Revenge of the Living Dead

    a few more I don't remember. It was so brilliantly bad we couldn't turn away. The cardboard airplane for special effects with the painted yellow windows on flight of the living dead was perhaps my most favorite moment ever!!!

    My daughter loves horror too (at least auditioning to perform in them...yikes)

  4. Wow, that's quite the movie marathon you had going there. I know what you mean though, some of the best horror movies have some of the worst effects. That's what makes them fun though.
    Thanx for the comment, it was great.

  5. A dear friend of mine, who's no longer with us, used to LOVE to watch anything 'B' - the worse the production, the bigger the kick he got out of it. I would wince and groan throughout the production, while he just had the biggest smile... Thanks, Ali - great flashback.


  6. Love the blog. The moment I saw the post on a horror channel I knew I was in the right place.

    There's nothing better than horror B movies. Can't wait until the UK pull their fingers out and actually give us a 24/7 horror channel, in the meantime I'll make do with my Nightmare on Elm Street DVD's and reruns of The Blob at the late night multiplex.
    Look forward to reading your future blogs.
    Ness x

  7. I saw Plan 9 From Outer Space and Jaws: The Revenge, and those are so stupid that I think I've seen all the B horror I need to see lol!

  8. Hi Ali! I enjoyed reading your blog, especially this post about being a fan of horror. :-) I am 35 and recently decided to go back to school to pursue some type of career in writing. One of the classes I'm taking is a literature class based solely on the Horror, Science Fiction, and Fantasy genres. It's incredible and I'm really enjoying it! I'm a huge fan of ridiculously scary books and movies, as well as some just plain ridiculous movies. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and ideas and letting us all know we aren't alone. :-)

    Check out my blog:

    Keep up the good work!
