Thursday, July 30, 2009

Chiller the Horror Channel

I'm sure you know that there are TV stations that are specifically for one type of show, or movie. Like for example sci-fi or mystery. A couple of weeks ago I discovered a new channel. Well, it's not really new. Just new to me.

This station is all about horror and the supernatural. It's called Chiller. The first time I noticed it there was this horribly made zombie movie on. Even though the acting was terrible, and I couldn't keep watching after 10-15 minutes, I had found my new favorite station. Since I am one of the biggest horror fans, ever.

There are two great things about Chiller. The first is the movies. The majority of them are B movies, or just straight to TV. There are some that never should have ever been made in the first place. The majority of them though are pretty wicked. A lot of them are even from other countries. There seems to be quite a few from the U.K., but that doesn't make them less fun to watch.

The other reason is the TV shows. They have well run shows like Poltergeist: The Legacy. It was on for three or four season, and it's a great show. It was started with a basis on the Poltergeist movies, and was all about ghosts, demons, and all the things that go bump in the night. They show episodes every day at 4pm.

Then there's the short lived British show called Strange. There was only about seven episodes, but even after it was canceled it grew a cult following. After watching some of the show I fell in love with it, and am sad that it was canceled so quickly. It was about a former priest, John Strange, whose life was turned upside down when his fiancee was murdered by a demon. He now deals with the strange and unusual. I'm still hoping to find this show on DVD, but so far no luck.

All I can say is horror rocks.

Words by Ali

Monday, July 27, 2009

The Line Between Fan and Obsession

The question here is when does being a fan of something cross the line into obsession. Is borderline obsession, really an obsession? I don't know. This could be with actors, musicians, t.v. shows, or for me it's authors and their books.

When I pick up a book I've already read before, because I absolutely love it, I sometimes wonder how many times do I have to read it before I become obsessed. Four or five times. There is one series that I have been reading since I was in High School. Now every time a new book would come out in the series I would re-read the previous books. There are five books in the series, so I've read the first book five times.

This is The Jessica Darling series by Megan McCafferty. They are some of the best books I have ever read in my life. She's an amazing author, and a really nice person. I had the privilege of meeting her back in March at the Tuscon Festival of Books, while I was in Arizona for spring break. I would probably read the series over again if I ever get in the mood to. Besides Marcus Flutie is my hero. If you want to understand why you'll have to read the books, and all five to truly understand. The first one is called Sloppy Firsts.

It's not just re-reading books that might make it an obsession. Cause the first three or four Anita Blake Vampire Hunter books I've read most likely four times. It's also that if I love a certain series enough and they re-print the books in a different cover, as long as the new cover is cool looking, I will re-buy the book. I like to collect the multiple covers.

I have done this for The Dresden Files by Jim Butcher. Artemis Fowl by Eoin Colfer. Sweep by Cate Tiernan. I'm also debating whether or not I want to buy the new cover of Guilty Pleasures, which is the first Anita Blake books.

Then there is one last observation to my obsession. That is the stickers in my car windows and the clothing that I have made. All but I think one of the stickers in my car's windows is from one of my book series. Anita Blake, Dresden Files, Jessica Darling, and more. Now the shirts are mostly just Anita Blake and Jessica Darling. They will have something to do with certain of my favorite characters, or a line or saying from the book. It's like this, if you see me with a shirt on and you don't know what it means it's probably from a book.

I'll leave you to decide whether it's become an obsession or not. I don't think it really is. I'm sure there's people out there who get carried away far worse then I do. Besides I'm sure some of you have border line obsessions just like me. You just might not be willing to admit it.

Words by Ali

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Thoughts On What God Has Been Teaching Me

God has certainly been teaching me a whole lot of things in my life. Or at least He's been trying. Whether or not I have been listening is a completely different story. I want to tell about two specific things that I'm doing my damnedest to understand and be obedient to.

Well, let me just say that I am one of the shyest people you would ever meet. At least if I don't know you. It's hard for me to meet new people. When I do I get nervous, forget everything I was going to say, and can't for the life of me think of what to say in response to something someone said. In short in social situations, with people I don't know, I don't do well at all.

God has certainly been doing everything possible to get me to get over this fear. For lack of a better word, fear of people. Tonight at church, yes I go to church Saturday nights, I went fishing. Now you might be confused, because this isn't the type of fishing you're used to.

Mark 1:17 "Come, follow me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."

Basically, what I did tonight was went to church early, so that I could meet new people to our church. To greet and introduce myself to visitors, so that they might feel welcome and appreciated. I didn't have the opportunity to meet too many. But I did step out of my comfort zone and met three new people, and had what I would call a conversation. It's going to take some getting used to but with God I know I can do it.

There's one more thing that God has definitely been putting on my heart. It really seems so simple to me when thinking about it, but it's difficult for me to just sit down and do it. That is having a daily quiet time with God. Just being able to read my bible, to listen and pray.

There are a few things that make this hard for me. One is that I am also one of the most forgetful people you might ever meet. I'm not saying that it's physically a problem, just that I'm always remember things at the wrong moments. For example, I'll get up in the morning thinking I'll do just after I get something done on my computer. Then I'll remember I was going to say while I'm work, and think to myself I'll certainly do it after when I get home. But of course I get on my computer or watch t.v. and the next thing I know I'm going to bed and remember I'd still forgotten.

I know that's not what He wants from me. He doesn't want a forgetful young lady with the best intentions, that get her nowhere. I need to not only work on remembering, but finding ways to remind myself when I forget. If you have suggestions you're more than welcome to leave a comment and let me know what they are. What God really wants from me is to depend on Him. To give Him my whole heart, and not just when it's convenient.

These are two areas of my life that I need the most help with. But I know without a doubt that as long as I go to God for help I can do everything I set out to do.

Luke 1:37 For nothing is impossible with God.

Till Next Time (TNT)
Words by Ali

Thursday, July 23, 2009

My Job: A Source of Income or An Evil Plan to Drive Me Crazy?

Thankfully I didn't have to work today. It was my much needed day off. Since I'm a full time college student I only work part time. Even though I'm not taking any summer classes I'm still only working part time. This of course is of no fault of mine. There just don't seem to be any more hours available at the dry cleaners where I work.

Now the real enigma to my whole working problem is that I could really use the hours so I could make more money. Although, when I'm there I want nothing more than to leave. It is one of the most monotonous jobs I have ever had the displeasure of working at.

It's not so much that it's a bad job but there's only so much of going through peoples dirty cloths that a person can take in one day. All I want to do is to get down detailing the cloths into our system so I can do something else, but as soon as I get to the last bag or two the bell rings. Signifying that someone is either at the door, or drove up through the drive thru.

About 90% of the time those people are dropping cloths off, which mean more detailing for me. What makes it even worse is the fact that even though there is always someone else there with me I seem to be the only one helping the customers, and putting their cloths into the computer. It's more than a little frustrating. I know that they're working, just at something else. Yet, if I can drop what I'm doing to help the guests, so can someone else.

Sorry if this sounds a little whinny, or even bitchy. I've just been working so hard this past week. I've had to do basically everything in the store. Since our presser decided to up and quite without a word, my manager has to press all the cloths for the day. Which leaves me with just about everything else. I just needed somewhere to vent about it. Thanx for listening.

Till Next Time (TNT)
Words by Ali

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

An Observation on Angry Drivers

Why is it people feel the need to flip you off even though they are clearly the ones in the wrong?

Yesterday I went and got myself Wendy's of dinner. Even though I have been eating out for the past 4 days. But no one else was home and of course I was too lazy to go make myself something. Anyway, let's move on to the drive back to my house.

I'm pulling out of the parking lot and need to go straight through the light ahead of me. The lady across from me, on the other side of the street, is turning left. She decides she needs to turn before I can go, even though I have the right away since she's turning left. She glares over at me as she turns and then proceeds to give me the finger.

Honestly, I'm not mad about it at all. I think it's the funniest thing. I was laughing to myself about it the whole way home, and even later that night. I'm mean obviously I didn't do anything. I'll be the first to admit if I actually did something wrong. But all I did was go straight at a green light. What I find amusing about the situation is that this lady had to of known that she was the one who was wrong, but she had to make herself feel better about it by blaming me, by giving me the finger.

Now I realize that you only look like an idiot if you get angry over something that you are at fault for.

Til Next Time (TNT)
Words by Ali

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Hello To the Universe

I just wanted to stop in and welcome you to my blog. Thoughts From the Written Universe is about anything I want it to be. If something happens during my day that is confusing, interesting, exciting, funny, or just plain weird I'll come by and tell you all about it. It might just be a crazy thought I had, or something that won't seem to get off my mind.

This blog is going to be a way for me to think out loud. To be able to hear what someone besides myself thinks about something. The nice thing about a blog is the anonymity. Most people checking it out won't know who I am, and they'll be sure to say what they really mean. Even if it's only to say they think I'm being a complete idiot. Yes I do want to hear it.

I hope those of who will be reading my blog enjoy it. And if there's anything I can do to make it better, and more entertaining let me know. I'm all about criticism, as long as it's constructive, and not just all out mean. Well I'm not sure how entertaining my life really is, but I guess we'll see if I can get you coming back. Hell, maybe you'll find my world even more exciting that I do. There's only one way to find out.

I"ll see you all when I come back. You should join me!

Till Next Time (TNT)
Words by Ali