Monday, August 29, 2011

Back to School

I've gotten through my first week of school, and am about to start the second (tomorrow).  The first week was fairly easy, but I get the feeling that it's only going to get harder.  My reading load was too overwhelming the first couple of days, but its a fact that it won't last.

Just look at my classes, three of them are English classes, and a language class.  Lots of reading and writing.  Throughout the course of the semester I will have:

Class 1.) I will have to read 3 novels, and lots of short stories and poems.
Class 2.) I will have to read around 7 novels, plus some critiques on the novels we read.
Class 3.) I will have to read around 9 novels, plus some short sections from other reading.

and of course all of these classes involve essays of some kind.

I can't really complain can I?  Since I did get myself into this mess.  By being an English major.  At least, so far, I'm enjoying the reading.  Hopefully that continues to be that way, but unfortunately a person can't like everything.  But I'm sure going to try.

Words by Ali

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

I Heart BFS

Last night's Bowling for Soup concert may very well have been the best concert I've been to yet.  This is third time I have gone to one of their concerts and I swear they only keep getting better.  Nothing happened like at the first two concerts.  If you want to know more about them go back to the blog post from February 2010 titled Bowling for Soup, Hey! 

They have more energy and stage presence then any other band I've seen live, and that is what really makes a show.  The songs are all great, and of course I knew every single word to every single song.  And of course I sang right along, more like screamed along it was so loud.  I even noticed that in a couple of songs they changed the lyrics, like in one instead of a Jonas Brothers movie it was a Justin Beiber movie.  Listen to No Hablo Ingles and you'll get it.

But some of the best moments weren't even the songs.  These guys can go off on tangents that are so funny that you wouldn't even believe it unless you were there.  Like Eric Chandler doing impressions, most notably Bill Cosby.  Jaret would try to tell stories, but always got interrupted by either the band or the audience.  He then proceeded to tell the guy in the audience that he was speaking and when he had a microphone he could talk to.  You had to be there.  Things kept breaking, and they attributed this to how much they were rocking out.  Jaret told the parents in the audience that they were the coolest parents ever for bringing their children, and even tried to tell them that they were even teaching them.  Like Spanish, go back to the song No Hablo Ingles. 

They played two songs as an encore, The Bitch Song and Really Cool Dance Song.  Although I think this may have been planned because the same thing happened at the last concert of theirs I went to.  They headed off stage as if done, the crowd begins chanting their name (myself included), and they come back on stage.  I'm not complaining because I got two more wicked cool songs out of the experience.  Which included Jaret, the lead singer, coming out into the audience. 

Best night ever.  If you want to see a concert that is non-stop fun, great music, and that will at various times have you laughing your ass off.  Then you need to see these guys.  Bowling for Soup will be one of the best concerts you find yourself at.

BFS, continue to rock hard, and I'll continue to love you all!

Words by Ali (A BFS fan for 11 years)

Monday, August 15, 2011

What's to Come

I don't have much to say right now. Other than tomorrow night I will be going to what could be one of the best bands I have ever seen live.

Bowling for Soup.

I have seen these guys twice, tomorrow will be the third time. And I know just like it did before it is going to kick ass. Every time I go to one of their concerts something awesome has happened. If you would like to know more about what happened then read the blog post from February of 2010, and read about it.

Maybe on Wednesday, after the concert, I'll post again. We'll see if I haven't just jinxed the awesomeness.

Words by Ali

Monday, August 8, 2011

The Semester is Finally Over

It feels like it was never going to end, and yet it feels like it had only just began.  But I can honestly say I'm glad the summer semester of classes is finally over.  I only took two classes, so it was too busy.  But I am tired of working.

Yet, there is only two weeks of a break.  The fall semester starts in two weeks, and it will have come too soon.  I want more of a break.  It only seems fair right?  Especailly since I will be taking a full semester of classes?  No, I guess that's what I get for taking classes in the summer right. 

I needed something to do with my time, and I might as well get some classes out of the way. That means I'll have less to do before I graduate.  I think what I really need is a job. Then I can keep myself busy and make some money.  One can only hope.

Words by Ali