Monday, December 22, 2014

What Makes a Good Book?

I'm sure people have been wondering this for as long as there have been novels to read. And honestly it's an answer that changes based on every person that answers it. But I think there are certain things that are universal for all good books.

1.) An interesting and engaging plot.

2.) Well designed universe and developed characters

3.) Good writing

Now if a novel has ONE of the first two it may cancel out the good writing. At least in the world of popularity. In the world of avid quality readers it needs be be all three. Not to say that if you like a novel that doesn't have all three that there's anything wrong with your tastes. It's all a matter of opinion, after all. And this is my opinion.

So, let's start with number one. An interesting and engaging plot. We've all read a novel that once finished you think that the plot was so predictable and overdone that you wonder why you kept reading. It's the plot of the story pulls the reader in and keeps them there. Without that pull the reader looses interest so fast they may stop reading before giving it a chance.

Second we have a well designed universe and developed characters. Even if you have an interesting plot but the world is one dimensional and unbelievable it's going to pull the reader out of the story. That goes the same with stick figures characters. A character needs to be three-dimensional and well rounded to be engaging. A character should jump off the page, and be someone that could easily be set in the real world. Leading characters need to have more than one facet to them, like real people, otherwise no one would believe the things they say and do in the story.

Thirdly, and lastly, we have good writing.  Without the novel being well written the avid reader will loose interest fairly quickly.  I know that I have several times.  I find myself reading a novel that has a great idea and even an engaging plot, but because the writing doesn't hold my interest I get bored.
Now, as I mentioned earlier in the post, bad writing doesn't necessarily break a book.  I have read books that are considered bestsellers that have an abundant lack of good writing.  What people latch onto in these underwritten books is the good plot, and story idea.  I won't name names here, but if you know me then I'm sure you know which books I may be referring to here.

Enjoy your reading

Words by Ali

Sunday, September 14, 2014

In What We Do

Not only has it been a while since I've posted anything on my blog, but it's been just as long that I've had anything to really say.  I've felt that if I don't have anything real to say then I probably should refrain from saying things that don't really mean much.

But here I am, back.  I want what I have to say to mean something.  It doesn't necessarily have to mean anything to you the reader, but for me personally.  Of course I'm not saying I don't want it to mean anything to you, in fact I hope it does.  But I know that not everyone will feel the same way about the same things, because we are all different and unique people.

Last night was the first time I had stayed through the whole message at church in I don't remember how long.  The message was about those who heard Jesus' message and found it too hard to follow.  They heard something they didn't like and left.  Or, they pretended to believe but they didn't really believe.

I found myself listening to the message last night and wondering if I had been one of those who went through the motions, but didn't actually have my heart in it.  I may have been that person, but I don't want to be that person.

I want God to make me a better disciple.  To make me into what He wants me to be.  Do you feel that way too?  Unmotivated and lost?  Well you're not alone, and that doesn't mean God isn't there.  He is, and waiting for us to come back to him.

Words by Ali

Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Book Club

Hello there blogger-verse.  I know it's been awhile since I've been on, but I'm back.  I have decided that I am going to start an online book club.  I love to read, and I know that a lot of the people I know love to read, as well as a lot of people out there in the web space like to read as well.

So, why not start a place where people can come together from all over the place and read and talk about books?  I mean if i'm interested in reading, and discussing, novels then there must be others out there who want to do the same.  Right?

There's this website called that I have created my pages on.  I have actually started three separate clubs.  Each with a different focus.  That's what I do, I want to read everything all at once.

1.)  The first book club is the general one.  This one is for everyone who loves reading anything.  We will be reading any novel that people want to read.  No matter the age group, or the genre.  If someone wants to read it I'm up for putting it on the agenda.

2.)   The second book club is  for those people who like to read teen novels.  It doesn't matter if you are actually a teen or if you are an adult.  If you like to read novels that are marketed as YA than this club is definitely for you.  It will have all the current teen novels that are being read, as well as the books from  previous decades.  Just because a book was written say 10 or 20 years ago doesn't mean it doesn't still have something to say to teens, or adults that read teen books.

3.)  The third and final club is all about Russian literature.  If you're interested in reading any kind of Russian literature than this club is the right one.  I want to have classics, such as those by authors like Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, as wells as modern Russian authors that are writing their novels today.  I also want to look at novels written during the Soviet Era, for and against, as well as Russian literary criticism.  Anything Russian could be read and discussed.

So, all of you reading this if you are interested in reading than check this out.  I want this book club to be for everyone.  Not just my friends, but for those out there I don't know who love to read.  These book clubs are still for you.  Come check them out.

Words by Ali

Monday, April 21, 2014

Just Because It's Free Doesn't Mean You Should Get It

If you go onto and search for free e-books. You will find hundreds of them. But let me be the first to tell you (if you don't already know) be weary of free.

Don't get me wrong you can find so many free treasures that it is absolutely amazing. Especially the classics, you can usually always find a free e-version. Of course with the free versions you get what you pay for. And if you're thinking about that you're probably going to say, "but it was free." I would respond, "That's exactly my point."

Sometimes the text and the way it looks on the tablet page is not the best and at times hard to read. And you have to ask yourself if it's worth it to buy this free version or to spend a couple of bucks.

There are times I've gotten free books on my Kindle and they were probably the worst books I've had the displeasure of reading. They weren't well written, the plot and characterization is dismal, and it wasn't even entertaining.

So, if you think I can find free books, and it's going to be the best thing ever just remember that when you have things for free there may be a perfectly good reason they are free. Like the fact that no one would buy it if they had to actually pay.

Keep that in mind ;)

Words by Ali

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Simply Unmotivated

No matter what I do I can't seem to find the motivation to do, well basically anything I have already set out to do. That may be a slight exaggeration. I'm still motivated to finish my Russian class this semester, and graduate. And I'm still motivated to find a job, even if jobs don't seem to want to hire me.

What I can't seem to get myself motivated about is healthy eating and exercise. And this is something I really need to kick myself into, because it's dragging on me.

Any tips on how to get myself motivated? Leave a comment and let me know.

Words by Ali

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Damned Jobs

Why is it so hard to find a job when you're are actually looking for one. It seems that now that I really need a job I can't seem to find one, but before (years ago) when I wasn't really trying the jobs just fell into my lap. Its ridiculous really. And of course completely unfair.

I've never tried so hard in a job search before, and I'm not having any really luck. So, far I've had one official interview, and one semi-interview when I filled out an application at a resturaunt. Now I'm waiting to see if I hear back from either of those place. Either one will be perfect in completely different ways.

Although, the restaurant is a breakfast place, and they close by 2-230, and that would I think be the best for me because it would mean I wouldn't have to miss church. But we'll have to wait and see what happens. Good news I hope.

Words by Ali

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Sunday, March 2, 2014

Something Self-Published

Well, people of the Universe it looks like I finally did it. As the title of this post implies I have finally self-published on It's only a short story at the moment, but hell you've got to start somewhere. Right?

You can go to this link:

to get yourself a copy of my very first piece of self-published work. It's only $0.99 so it won't even break the bank. I hope you enjoy.

Words by Ali

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Friday, February 14, 2014

Damned Habits

You know when you get out of the habit of doing something its even more difficult getting back into it. Well of course you know. I'm sure the very same thing has happened to you. I'm trying to reform my habit of using the workout facilities at my apartment complex, and its been hard going.

I've been telling myself since the beginning of January that I was going to start up again. But really I've only been doing it faithfully now for the past week and a half. That's a start though. Right.

The only way to get back into something is to do it. But you can't make a habit of something until you do it the first time. That first time is critical, because without it you'll never be able to get to the second and third and fourth and so on.

So, take it one day at a time and before you know it you'll be back in the habit. At least I sure hope that works out well for me.

Words by Ali

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Friday, January 3, 2014

New Year's "Resolution"

The first question you might be asking yourself is, why the quotation marks around resolution? To answer that, who actually makes a resolution and actually keeps it? How many of you (and I include myself in that you) make a resolution and that drop it a month, or so, into the new year? We've all done it, don't even try to deny it.

I need to stop doing this, or do less of that. I need to start doing that, and do more of this. Fill in the blanks with the this' and that's. I know what mine are for this year, but what they are exactly isn't really that important. The question is what's going to make this year any different that every other year for the past freaking deckade.

Oh, New Year's Resolutions why are you so hard to contend with? That I think is the one question that no one can ever answer. Seeing as how every single person out there has broken a resolution at some point in their lives.

Hang tough, you never know this year really may be different.

Words by Ali

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad