Wednesday, July 14, 2010


I'm back. Well, I've been back since Sunday, but I've been too busy sleeping and relaxing to write. You have no idea how great it is to sleep in your own bed after sleeping on a futon for 3 days. I'm not really complaining cause it could have been worse. I'm just saying that I really did miss my bed.

I know there are a lot of people who went on this trip who have amazing stories about some of the people they met while out knocking on doors. But I'd be lying if I said that was me. What affected me most wasn't like that.

What I will remember most was getting to know the people who go to Prairie View Community Church. Myself and five other girls stayed with the Harrington family, and they were some of the nicest people I've ever met.


I was able to meet people who were still following God even when they were going through hard times. It was inspiring for me to know these people, and to hear their stories. It's encouraged my walk with God, and I hope to some day see them all again. Saturday night I was used as a jungle gym by two of the cutest kids, and I'll certainly miss them too. It's hard to believe she's two years older then her brother.


I know I still haven't said much, but sometimes you don't have to say a lot to get your point across. This trip has fired me up for God. It's shown me that you have to keep following Him even when you feel you can't. The people I've met and gotten to know on this trip are one's that I will never forget, because they have changed me. And I thank God for that.

Words by Ali

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