It’s once again Friday, and you know what that means. We’re going to be taking another look at another Tom MacDonald song. Today we will be taking a look at Clown World. Go ahead and watch the video linked below before moving on to my break down of the lyrics. Don't worry I'll wait.
Here we are again, with another song where Tom is speaking facts. Facts that a lot of people aren't going to want to hear. "How about leavin better kids for our planet?" How true is that. We live in a society were kids don't seem to have consequences for their bad behavior. When children do something wrong it feels like their parents look towards any, and every, outside source that may be at "fault". Anything besides their child. If we don't teach children their are consequences for bad behavior than were will that leave the world when they are adults?
One of my favorite lines, in any of Tom's songs, is "I'm offended that you're offended by me taking offence." I think its really just Tom making fun of all the people out there that seem to senselessly get offended by literally everything. When I say everything, I mean everything. It doesn't matter what that thing is, or if it effects their life in anyway whatsoever. They are going to get offended.
There are several things in this one small section that a lot, and I mean a lot, of people are going to get offended over. "I believe in only two genders." People are going to read this and automatically think oh he must be homophobic, or transphobic, or insert phobic here. But I think they miss the point. I've talked about in a previous post what phobic means and actually implies, and Tom doesn't have hate for them, which he even says, but if you say anything against exactly what the Trans Agenda says you are automatically phobic of something and I'm kind of tired of the name calling.
"I don't hate all police, nope." I swear if anyone says anything about not hating the police, or heaven forbid supports the police, that you are automatically racists. Why? Because didn't you know that all police are racist? Doesn't matter who they are, where they come from, the color of their skin. You're racists. Which is why the title of the song is Clown World, bunch of clowns.
The last two lines say that the system hates people in general, and it doesn't matter who they are. But that goes directly against what the Liberal Left is trying to tell the country. That the system is racist, and we need to get rid of the system. If the system is so racists why are just as many white people, if not more, being arrested and killed by the police. Doesn't matter. Facts, statistics, and actual truth don't matter when another sells more panic.
When he says that violence is what they want, he means the Liberal Left. Why would that be? How does creating violence help anything? Of course you'd ask that, because you must have common sense. But I have been hearing Democrat elected officials tell people to get into people's faces, get aggressive, and make people on the "other side" pay. How does that make sense? Shouldn't we want to have people coming together, and not be driven further apart? "We need common sense, we need balance."
It's so true though isn't it? That no one seemed to care about the color of someone's skin until suddenly just recently. There are some people on the Left who will tell you that children as young as like a month old can be racist. That truly had to be one of the most ridiculous things that anyone has ever said ever. Children don't understand skin color. Children don't just automatically see skin color, and hate it. That is something they are taught, and teaching our children that we need to always consider someone's skin coloring in everything is not only wrong but disgusting.
"It's funny we think the world owes us somethin'." It certainly feels like there are countless amount of people out there who think they are entitled to things that they didn't work for and didn't earn simply because they are alive. There are a lot of young people in our country who think Communism is simply "like the best thing ever" (cue valley girl voice here). That's because they don't actually understand what communism does in the real world. Socialism, or communism, in theory would be great but in the realities of the world we live, and that thing that is human nature. It doesn't work. See the USSR, see China, and more recently see Cuba.
The first set of lines here seem to be true for a lot of people, not me though. But there really is way too many people out there who care more about posting the absolute perfect picture on Instagram, but can't be bothered to even take the time to call their mothers. Although, personally I think my own mother would like it if I were to call her a little bit less. Mom if you're reading this, you know it's true.
"Your thoughts and opinions ain't facts and they are not defining my reality, nope?" I love this line, because it's so true. Opinions aren't always facts, and taking them as that is only going to make your life more difficult. You can't let what someone else opinions define the world that you live in and that is what Tom is saying here. Left facts define the world around you. Use common sense, and facts, and not feelings and emotions rule your life.
"They tell you, "Be yourself," and then they judge you on the internet til everybody hates you for it." Have you ever heard the phrase tell your truth? That's true, unless it differs from what the SJWs on the internet thinks and feels. You aren't allowed to be yourself, unless yourself conforms to who they say you have to be. Isn't that counter productive? Or just straight up the opposite of what you're telling people? Be yourself, but only if it's this particular self. Ok? No, not ok.
Common sense ain't that common. That should be the slogan for the last couple of years, because it feels like nobody has any of it any more. Every week, no every day, I'm reading and seeing more and more of stupid things that people are doing and it's unbelivable.