Friday, July 30, 2021

Book Thoughts: (Song Edition) Clown World by Tom MacDonald

It’s once again Friday, and you know what that means. We’re going to be taking another look at another Tom MacDonald song.  Today we will be taking a look at Clown World.  Go ahead and watch the video linked below before moving on to my break down of the lyrics.  Don't worry I'll wait.

Entire generation offended at everything
Gettin' mad that a human thinks all lives matter
If they sink, we sink, this is madness
Trump can't build a wall, why does your house have a fence?

Here we are again, with another song where Tom is speaking facts.  Facts that a lot of people aren't going to want to hear.  "How about leavin better kids for our planet?"  How true is that.  We live in a society were kids don't seem to have consequences for their bad behavior.  When children do something wrong it feels like their parents look towards any, and every, outside source that may be at "fault".  Anything besides their child.  If we don't teach children their are consequences for bad behavior than were will that leave the world when they are adults?

One of my favorite lines, in any of Tom's songs, is "I'm offended that you're offended by me taking offence."  I think its really just Tom making fun of all the people out there that seem to senselessly get offended by literally everything.  When I say everything, I mean everything.  It doesn't matter what that thing is, or if it effects their life in anyway whatsoever.  They are going to get offended.

I believe in two genders, I'm not mad at the rest
I'm just confused when a dude has a beard and some breasts
We won't always agree, nope
I don't hate all police, nope
I don't think that the system's racist
I just think the system hates people

There are several things in this one small section that a lot, and I mean a lot, of people are going to get offended over.  "I believe in only two genders."  People are going to read this and automatically think oh he must be homophobic, or transphobic, or insert phobic here.  But I think they miss the point.  I've talked about in a previous post what phobic means and actually implies, and Tom doesn't have hate for them, which he even says, but if you say anything against exactly what the Trans Agenda says you are automatically phobic of something and I'm kind of tired of the name calling. 

"I don't hate all police, nope." I swear if anyone says anything about not hating the police, or heaven forbid supports the police, that you are automatically racists.  Why?  Because didn't you know that all police are racist?  Doesn't matter who they are, where they come from, the color of their skin.  You're racists.  Which is why the title of the song is Clown World, bunch of clowns.

The last two lines say that the system hates people in general, and it doesn't matter who they are.  But that goes directly against what the Liberal Left is trying to tell the country.  That the system is racist, and we need to get rid of the system.  If the system is so racists why are just as many white people, if not more, being arrested and killed by the police.  Doesn't matter.  Facts, statistics, and actual truth don't matter when another sells more panic.

I think fighting violence with more violence is what they want
Viruses and riots, people dyin', we won't stay home
Black Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, what's all this division for?
It's modern segregation, this is setting up a civil war

Burn this circus down 'cause the world is full of clowns
They're all stupid and they're proud, painted smiles on they mouths
I don't hang with bozos, homie, I can't be around you
Anyone who knows me knows my feet don't fit in clown shoes

When he says that violence is what they want, he means the Liberal Left.  Why would that be?  How does creating violence help anything?  Of course you'd ask that, because you must have common sense.  But I have been hearing Democrat elected officials tell people to get into people's faces, get aggressive, and make people on the "other side" pay.  How does that make sense?  Shouldn't we want to have people coming together, and not be driven further apart?  "We need common sense, we need balance."

When I was a child, the only races that we hated
Were the ones that we ran and didn't win
Then we stopped playin' with each other, started hatin' on each other
Started noticin' the colour of our skin
Christians and Atheists, immigrants, patriots
We love the country, but we are not savin' it
Wages don't raise to the rate of inflation
And half of the country hates all of the nation, it's
Funny that we think the world owes us somethin'

It's so true though isn't it?  That no one seemed to care about the color of someone's skin until suddenly just recently.  There are some people on the Left who will tell you that children as young as like a month old can be racist.  That truly had to be one of the most ridiculous things that anyone has ever said ever.  Children don't understand skin color.  Children don't just automatically see skin color, and hate it.  That is something they are taught, and teaching our children that we need to always consider someone's skin coloring in everything is not only wrong but disgusting.  

"It's funny we think the world owes us somethin'."  It certainly feels like there are countless amount of people out there who think they are entitled to things that they didn't work for and didn't earn simply because they are alive.   There are a lot of young people in our country who think Communism is simply "like the best thing ever" (cue valley girl voice here).  That's because they don't actually understand what communism does in the real world.  Socialism, or communism, in theory would be great but in the realities of the world we live, and that thing that is human nature.  It doesn't work.  See the USSR, see China, and more recently see Cuba.

We won't always agree, nope
I don't hate all police, nope
Your thoughts and opinions ain't facts
And they are not defining my reality, nope

I think picking sides divides, it's probably what has got us here
United States is great regardless, that's what we've forgotten here
Black Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, what's all this division for?
It's modern segregation, this is setting up a civil war

Burn this circus down 'cause the world is full of clowns
They're all stupid and they're proud, painted smiles on they mouths
I don't hang with bozos, homie, I can't be around you
Anyone who knows me knows my feet don't fit in clown shoes

The first set of lines here seem to be true for a lot of people, not me though.  But there really is way too many people out there who care more about posting the absolute perfect picture on Instagram, but can't be bothered to even take the time to call their mothers.  Although, personally I think my own mother would like it if I were to call her a little bit less.  Mom if you're reading this, you know it's true.   

"Your thoughts and opinions ain't facts and they are not defining my reality, nope?"  I love this line, because it's so true.  Opinions aren't always facts, and taking them as that is only going to make your life more difficult.  You can't let what someone else opinions define the world that you live in and that is what Tom is saying here.  Left facts define the world around you.  Use common sense, and facts, and not feelings and emotions rule your life.

They tell you, "Be yourself", and then they judge you on the internet
'Til everybody hates you for it
If Jesus was alive, I swear to God that y'all would cancel him
'Cause lately bein' negative's the real new normal, ya
If you're thick, you're fat, you're rich, you're bad
You're poor, you're Black, you're White, you're wack, they lie, it's facts

"They tell you, "Be yourself," and then they judge you on the internet til everybody hates you for it."  Have you ever heard the phrase tell your truth?  That's true, unless it differs from what the SJWs on the internet thinks and feels.  You aren't allowed to be yourself, unless yourself conforms to who they say you have to be.  Isn't that counter productive?  Or just straight up the opposite of what you're telling people?  Be yourself, but only if it's this particular self.   Ok?  No, not ok. 

My generation needs a bunch of free condoms
'Cause common sense ain't that common
This is what they wanted, this is how they planned it
This is to control everyone on the planet
Then we put each other in caskets, protest in panic
And they take advantage to manage the damage
We won't always agree, nope
Freedom doesn't come free, nope
There was people fighting, dyin' overseas
So that you could have freedom and be home

Common sense ain't that common.  That should be the slogan for the last couple of years, because it feels like nobody has any of it any more.  Every week, no every day, I'm reading and seeing more and more of stupid things that people are doing and it's unbelivable.

Black Lives Matter, All Lives Matter, what's all this division for?
It's modern segregation, this is setting up a civil war

Burn this circus down 'cause the world is full of clowns
They're all stupid and they're proud, painted smiles on they mouths
I don't hang with bozos, homie, I can't be around you
Anyone who knows me knows my feet don't fit in clown shoes

That’s it for this in depth look of Clown World.  I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I did going through it.  Let me know your own thoughts and opinions on this song.  And let me know which songs you want me to do next.

Other Tom MacDonald Song Reviews


Till Next Time Friends,
Words by Ai 

Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Book Thoughts: The Europa Conspiracy by Tim LaHaye and Bob Phillips

 Hey everyone, I'm back with another book review.  Although, I will admit this is actually less of a book review as a whole and more of a commentary on the state of the world.  This book was written in 2005, and yet there is one specific conversation in the book that is eerily exactly what we see today 16 years later.  

This book is the 3rd in the Babylon Rising series by Christian author Tim LaHaye, who is famous for his Left Behind Series about the Rapture and the Book of Revelations.  The series as a whole is entertaining, lots of action, adventure, and deathly peril.  With the protagonist a devout Christian, who teaches Biblical Archeology at a University.  The only part of the series I don't particularly like is the way that they seemed to have forced a romance into the stories.  It just doesn't come off as authentic or real.  If you like these types of books it is a must read.  He is a great writer, and doesn't disappoint on that end.

Now to the commentary.  I'm going to list several key passages from pages 104-106.  I didn't want to put it the entirety of those 3 pages, as it would have taken way too much time for you all to read.  So, I summed it up for  you.  In this scene we have our lead Michael Murphy, professor of Biblical Archeology, arguing with the University's Dean about not liking either him or the topic of the classes he teaches:

"Tolerance is respecting other people's viewpoints and holding them on an equal level with your viewpoints.  You should give them equal time to share their concepts and not be judgmental of someone else's beliefs or behaviors." 

"That sounds good and politically correct, Archer, but that's not what tolerance means according to the dictionary.  Part of what you're saying is true.  Yes, we should respect the right of other people to believe what they desire.  Not everyone believes on the same level as what I believe."

"You have racially profiled terrorists.  I think that you're phobic against Arabs and Russians!"

"Because I have strong opinions and convictions that differ from what you believe, that makes me phobic?  Is that the game?  When I have a different viewpoint, you begin to call me names?"

"And who determines which way to think or believe, Archer?  Is it you?  If anyone disagrees with you, do we then call out the thought police and put them in jail?  If we are to hold everyone's beliefs and behaviors on the same level and become tolerant and accepting of them, why don't you hold my opinions on the same level as yours?  Why aren't you tolerant of them?  Why must I give up what I believe and only approve what you believe in?  Don't you see a double standard here?  Isn't Preston University a place where ideas are shared and free speech is allowed?"

"Having convictions, values, and moral standards does not equal fanaticism." 

Have you read through all the passages?  Yes, you sure?  Ok, just wanted to make sure.  So, you should know exactly what my thoughts are going to be on the passages above.  I feel like the Left, and Cancel Culture, has taken the place of the Dean from what we see in these passages.  This book was written 16 years ago and we are still seeing this hypocritical double standard when it comes to "tolerance" for all.  The left have a tendency to label anything as phobic, or intolerant, if it doesn't agree with their thoughts, beliefs, and agenda.  As Michael says, "Why don't you hold my opinions on the same level as yours? Why aren't you tolerant of them?"  And that really is what it comes down to with the Left, and Cancel Culture, they really aren't as tolerant as they claim to be.  They would tell you that they are tolerant, just not tolerant of hate, but just because someone doesn't think like you doesn't automatically make it hateful, or hate speech.  


When Michael says, "Because I have strong opinions and convictions that differ from what you believe, that makes me phobic?  Is that the game?  When I have a different viewpoint, you begin to call me names?" I couldn't help think that this is exactly the world we live in right now in 2021.  Do you opinions and convictions differ from the Left's agenda, you're labeled a racist, or phobic.  if you've watched any of the hundreds of videos out there of people asking the Liberal Left who define something they are protesting, or to give examples or proof of something they are talking about, than you have seen how the majority of them react.  Their first response is to name call.  Name Call, hilarious.  They cry racist, and they scream phobic, and that they don't need to explain or prove anything because this person is (insert mean name here) or (insert other mean name here).  Which is exactly what the authors of this book are describing in this scene 16 years prior.  Something describe of as fiction, that didn't really happen much in our society is now commonplace.  Have we really devolved that much as human beings? 

The Dean in this passage refers to Michael as fanatical, but I don't really see that.  I couldn't find a good definition of the word, it was very general.  However, I did find this as an extra on, "This sense of the word is typically used negatively to imply that someone takes such devotion too far, as in They’re considered religious fanatics due to their extreme practices."  While the word is largely associated with religion it specifically uses the language "extreme practices," and I feel like that is the key.  This character is a Christian, and holds conservative Christian beliefs.  He believes in the bible, and not just as fiction.  In the eyes of the Dean, or the Liberal Left, this automatically makes you a fanatical crazy.  I don't think just having Christian beliefs makes you fanatical, but that's what society seems to be leading to.  If you believe in the Bible, you are eventually going to be automatically labeled intolerant and phobic of something.  We are living in a circus and are being lead by the damn clowns. 

That's it for this book review.  Let me know your thoughts and opinions in the comment section below.  I'd love to hear what you all have to say.

Till Next time friends,
Words by Ali 


Monday, July 26, 2021

What's Happening: Arizona Election Audit

 This particular topic seems to be one that finds people on either one extreme end or the other.  Either you think that nothing fraudulent happened and everyone else needs to just get over it, or something fraudulent did happen and it's being covered up.  One or the other, and that feel likes those are your only options.  Personally I'm somewhere in the middle of those two silly extremes.  The results of the election audit aren't nearly as important as end result.  So, what is the end result?  The truth.  And why is that important?  Because right now half the damn country doesn't have faith in the election process, and finding the truth will establish that.  No matter the outcome, the truth is what matters.

You have the Democratic Party, and everyone on the Left, screaming that election fraud didn't happen.  Trump lost and Biden won, and Republicans need to just drop it and move on.  That's the thing that I really don't understand though, if there is no election fraud why is it such a big deal to go through with the election audits, and recount the votes?  I mean let's think about this logically.  If no fraud happened, but half the country thinks it did, than why not let them audit, and recount, and prove to the doubters that there wasn't fraud.  If you want someone to believe and listen to you, than give them proof.  

If you truly think that the audit is not going to show any sort of fraud than let it happen and they'll find nothing.  The fact that the Democrats in the government are screaming at Republicans about accepting the results and actively trying to stop audits from happening makes it seem a little suspect.  I mean it is just me or does it make it sound like they are hiding something.  

Think of it this way you ask your teenager if they took and passed their final tests.  Both them and their teacher says they did, but they still have a failing grade.  The parent will of course believe that they are being lied to by someone.  So, what do they do?  Just accept it?  Probably not.  They will ask both child and teacher for proof of their kids grades.  The teacher than tells the parent, "I already told you they passed their finals.  Just accept their grades and move on."  Will that parent just say ok, if they say so, or do you think they will try to find out that information?  I think the answer is obvious.  What does it hurt showing the parent of what the teacher tells them is true.  Either they will find that the teacher is telling the truth, or that the teacher is lying.  If the are telling the truth then showing proof doesn't matter to them.  Now if they are lying than of course they don't want to show proof because they don't have it, and they don't want to be exposed.

I'm not saying that that's what's going on.  I'm just saying that it's weird that the Left is trying so hard to stop from verifying proof that proves they are correct.  Whether or not their was voter fraud isn't the point.  Whether or not voter fraud caused Arizona to Biden when it should have gone to Trump isn't the point.  The point is to prove once and for all if there was voter fraud.  Because if there was voter fraud that should worry literally everyone.  Whether or not voter fraud would have changed the results is the point.  Republican or Democrat voter fraud should be something that worries.  Voting for our government officials is literally the single most important thing that we can do in our country.  So, if there is voter fraud than your vote no longer matter and THAT should worry the hell out of everybody.  NO matter what side you are on.

Alright, that's it for this rant.  I've been seeing a lot of news articles about the audit hear in Arizona and it has been driving me crazy.  Let it happen, and find the truth.  Than you won't be able to argue about what did or didn't happen, because you have the proof.

TIll Next Time Friends,
Words by Ali 

Friday, July 23, 2021

Book Thoughts: (Song Edition) Politically Incorrect by Tom MacDonald

 It's once again Tom MacDonald Friday.  Today we are going to be looking at a little bit of an older song.  This one is called Politically Incorrect.  I think the title speaks for itself.  As always the video is ready for you to watch just below.  Go ahead and give it a watch, because also as always the video really does make the song so much better.

Politically Incorrect Music Video

I probably offended somebody
My generation's afraid of opinions, y'all so intolerant
They're ashamed of themselves 'cause they're privileged and white or they're black and the opposite
You get charged with harassment for huggin' a woman or givin' a compliment 
Y'all way too sensitive, yet, offended to death, bring all the coffins in

The first verse I think literally tells you all you need to know about what you're going to get with this song.  People have gotten so sensitive that they get offended by literally everything.  They let their feeling tell them what is and isn't acceptable.  As people we can't do anything without upsetting someone.  "You get charged with harassment for...givin' a compliment."  This really does sound like something that would happen.  Because apparently in today's world words are literal violence, ridiculous or what.

I swear that y'all are mad at everything that don't affect your life, hey
I swear that y'all believe that bein' offended just means that you're right, hey
I swear that y'all just wanna be the only ones who everyone likes, hey
I swear if I swear at you ninnies, you're probably so triggered, you'd cry (Yeah)
And nobody wants to be real, everyone's scared of how everyone feels (True)
We've become so ultra-sensitive and hyper-tolerant that, honestly, honesty gon' be illegal

This verse is one of the truest things that have ever been written.  Every single part of it.  People in society get offended over everything, even if it doesn't have anything to do with them whatsoever.  I mean if we are going to get upset about anything why not have it be something that will actually impact your life?  Just seems dumb people.  I also really agree with this idea that people think that because their upset that means that are right.  Facts are facts whether they upset your feelings or not.  Being offended doesn't actually change the facts, just makes you look silly.  "We've become so ultra-sensitive...that honestly honesty gon' be illegal."  And unfortunately this appears to be way the world is right now.  It doesn't matter if you are telling the truth, or be giving an honest opinion, but if it doesn't conform to what someone else believes its wrong.  And it feels like they think it's illegal, cancel that.

It's crazy y'all get so shocked and bothered from people sayin' things that aren't responsible
If that seems logical, y'all are weak then; if someone says retard, it ruins your weekend
And that's retarded, my hair been in braids 'cause it looks hella awesome
Y'all like to scream I appropriate culture, but I don't hear nothin', I'm payin' homage
Y'all are just tryna get likes on your comments, Googlin' quotes that are socially conscious
And sayin' you're woke doesn't make you a prophet, it makes you a liar and stupid obnoxious

When Tom says, "But I don't hear nothin'," that's basically him saying the he doesn't care what the haters say.  We have seen this in several other songs that he doesn't listen to his hates, but in fact he trolls them back hardcore.  But one of my favorite lines from the song is, "And sayin' you're woke doesn't make you prophet it makes you a liar and stupid obnoxious."  I really do hate the idea of being "woke".  This idea honestly just gives people the license to act like an asshole as long as they believe in the left cancel culture views.  It truly makes people stupid obnoxious, because self proclaimed "woke" people are literally the most obnoxious people in our society today.

Always on that blah-blah, y'all should keep it to yourselves (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Miss me with that drama, you must think I'm someone else
'Cause y'all don't wanna fuck with me
'Cause I don't feel the pressure, no, I will not be censored
I'm not afraid that's why they fuck with me
My name will be remembered, and I will live forever
I bet y'all hate that y'all are stuck with me

The first line of the chorus is basically how we all need to look at the world.  Everyone out there seems like they are just shouting out nonsense, "Blah-blah."  It really gets tiring listening to people telling you how you HAVE to think and feel.  "Ya'll should keep it to yourselves."  While I'm not against people having a different opinion other than my own I really don't need you to both shove it down my throat while telling me how horrible I am for not thinking the same way.  Keep our opinions to yourself if all you are going to do is get upset, and not listen.

Happy Halloween; for one evening, only you wear what you want
(What you want)
Unless it's a poncho, a headdress, or afro, you'll piss someone off, hey
I'd say Merry Christmas, but I know that it's 'bout to be gone
If religious freedom's such a dire issue, why you dressed like a priest in October for fun?

This verse is one of the most ridiculous.  Not that Tom is being ridiculous, but the fact that there are actually people out there who think that this actually true.  The thing that makes Halloween great is that you can dress up as literally anything and everything if you want to.  I can think back to some of silly and dumb things I went as.  But the point is that you can be whatever you want.  Except know people are getting offended by the fact that you costume doesn't belong to you culturally.  But why does that offend you?  Especially since it always seems to be white liberals who get offended over someone else culture.  What in the literal hell is happening to our world.  Keep telling the people the truth Tom.

Don't let 'em censor your thoughts, don't let 'em make you regret that you talked (Yeah)
Don't let 'em tell you that nice is the law, tryna make you all righter when nothin' is wrong, yeah
Words hurt you, clothes hurt you, memes hurt you, jokes hurt you, we hurt you
Half the time you don't even probably know what hurt you, but you super mad, trust we heard you

Tom here is telling his fans not to let the haters, and cancel culture, to stop them from having their own opinions.  Don't ever regret being yourself, and telling people what you think and your opinion.  "Half the time you don't even probably know what hurt you, but you super mad, trust we heard you."  This is another amazing line, because it is so true.   People get so upset about everything that I don't think that they even truly understand what they are mad about.  They're mad just to literally be mad, and what is even the point of that?  How unhappy do you have to be with your life to get upset over something you know nothing about.

You a pawn in a broken system, are you triggered much? You've been showin' symptoms
Y'all are so addicted to bein' hopeless victims, y'all could crash a plane and blame the road conditions
And your only sickness is your social vision, makes you scared of choices, but you're pro-decision 

So you march a lot but never go the distance, yellin' way too loud until no one listens 

Always on that blah-blah, y'all should keep it to yourselves

(Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Miss me with that drama, you must think I'm someone else
'Cause y'all don't wanna fuck with me
'Cause I don't feel the pressure, no, I will not be censored
I'm not afraid that's why they fuck with me
My name will be remembered, and I will live forever
I bet y'all hate that y'all are stuck with me

The second line of this verse is perfect, "Y'all are so addicted to bein hopeless victims y'all could crash a plane and blame the road conditions."  This line is referring to people who blame something, or someone, for a problem that doesn't even relate to it in any way.  Because how does the condition of the road have anything to do with flying?  Or how does me not eating everything on my plate actually affect someone who's starving in a country halfway around the world? I mean if you're going to attack something you don't like you should at least go after something that can actually have an affect on the issue you're fighting for.


"You look like the devil", you sound like some Christians
You just won a medal for askin' permission
You just want a pat on the back in addition
To bein' so tolerant, fine, I admit it
You're nicer, you're better, you're righter, you're brilliant
Most sensitive creatures in all of existence
My freedom of thought should be censored with prison
The world would be better if we weren't so different
Always on that blah-blah, y'all should keep it to yourselves (Yeah, yeah, yeah)
Miss me with that drama, you must think I'm someone else
'Cause y'all don't wanna fuck with me
'Cause I don't feel the pressure, no, I will not be censored
I'm not afraid that's why they fuck with me
My name will be remembered, and I will live forever

I bet y'all hate that y'all are stuck with me

That last verse really hits the nail on the head.  Have you ever been in that situation where you are trying to explain how, based on facts, that the other person is actually wrong, and they aren't listening to you?  And in the end, even though you truly have actually admitted your wrong, you just yell at them that their right just to get them to shut up?  I have.  Multiple times, with the literal same person.  If they are reading this they know who they are.  Just to get them to stop you tell them their nicer, better, righter, more brilliant, or whatever they need to hear.  This is how a lot of people are today, they don't want to listen to the other side of the argument so their argument is that you are wrong, and nothing else matters.  

Alright that's it for this review.  Let me know down in the comments below your own thoughts and opinions.  Also, let me know what song you want me to do next.  Check out my other Tom MacDonald reviews linked below.

Other Tom MacDonald Reviews


Don't Look Down

Dear Slim

Till Next Time Friends,

Words by Ali

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

Cancel Watch: Shark "Attacks"

 You may see this title and think wait what we're actually cancelling sharks now?  That doesn't make any sense.  But it's not sharks that are getting cancelled but literally the phrase shark attack, in reference to any incident involving a shark and a human.  They would rather use the word bite, and use words like incident, accident, or interactions.  I mean should the headline read, "Man loses both legs to shark bite"?

Read the original article linked below.

Original Article From Daily Wire

So, the reasoning behind shark advocates wanting these changes is because, "Using the word ‘attack’ in reference to sharks, declaring that the majestic predatory fish has been unfairly stigmatized as a deliberate killer,” as reported by the New York Times.  While I can see the reasoning behind this initiative, it just comes across as rather silly.  The idea is that because these predators are portrayed as aggressive when talked about in the media, or academically, that we as a society need to stop using what they deem as predatory and dangerous.  

The fact that they are dangerous creatures doesn't seem to matter as much.  The thing is that dangerous doesn't mean evil, and doesn't mean we need to demonize them simply because when someone is attacked it's sensational.  It's like a plane crash.  You're more likely to die in a car crash than on an airplane, but when you read about a plane crash it sounds like it is the end of the world because it's a huge spectacle.

The word attack doesn't automatically make the animal involved evil as a whole, so what does this truly accomplish.  Don't believe me?  You have an overly aggressive dog who one day attacks a person walking by.  That one particular dog did something horrible.  Does that mean that suddenly there is a call to get rid of all dogs everywhere, because there was a canine attack.  No.  Why?  Because people have the capacity to separate a specific incident with the broader general idea of all dogs, or sharks, are evil and will attack you.  

This particular instance of society trying to remove and change the world around it isn't as outrageous and ridiculous as some.  Bu to me it just seems to be a little over the top.  I mean as human beings I think we are smarter, and more empathetic to the creatures on our planet, that some of the social activists give them credit for.

That's it for today.  Leave me your thoughts and opinions in the comment section down below.  I'm forward to what you think.

Till Next Time Friends,

Words by Ali 

Monday, July 19, 2021

What's Happening: When Do Words Stop Having Meaning?

I'm back with some more thoughts on what's been going on in the world.  We've gotten to a point in society were words are used both so frequently, and incorrectly, that they no longer hold the meaning that they were intended to have.  They also no longer hold the power behind the meaning of the word.  What words in particular am I talking about?  That should be easy.  The words racist and anything with phobic at the end no longer hold the meaning that they once did, and it's truly a sorry state in the world that this is so.

So, how have we gotten to this state?  It's because there are a group of people out there who automatically label anything they disagree with bigoted, racist, or (which/whatever)-phobic.  The problem is labeling things that aren't bigoted as bigoted.  There is a difference between hate speech and speech that you hate.

What people don't understand when it comes to this is that when you over use, and incorrectly use, a word it takes away the meaning of it.  It makes real instances of bigotry and racism feel like it means less.   People now have to take the time to decypher each individual instance and decide which one of these types it falls under.  Real hate, or just someone not agreeing with you. 

Let's look at some definitions: 

Racism: a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.


Phobic: an aversion toward, dislike of, or disrespect for a thing, idea, person, or group.

So, what do these definitions have in common?  Hate.  But that's hate on the part of the one saying or doing, and not the person who avows them as bigots.  The feelings and beliefs of hate have to be on the part of the person who is racist or phobic.  A person has the ability to disagree with someone's thoughts, opinions, and social leanings and not automatically be a bigot.  

By labeling everyone a racist, or as phobic, just because they disagree with this one small point doesn't mean that they are a horrible person.  Now if you are unable to listen to someone else's opinion with respect, with out name calling, and without slinging around bigoted terms than the problem may be with you and not them.  Have you ever heard the phrase that "when someone protests too much"?  It basically means that when you are constantly going on about one thing, it may mean you really believe the opposite.

Let's challenge ourselves.  Next time someone comes to you with a differing opinion don't immediately throw around those terms and decry them as bigoted jerks.  Let them say their peace, listen to what they have to say, and actually consider their point of view.  Not only does this show that you are a kind, empathetic, and respectful human being but it shows that you are willing to learn and grow and be an all around better person.  Challenge yourselves to be a better person.

That's it for this post.  Leave me your thoughts and opinions down below in the comments.  I'd love to hear what you all think.

Till Next Time Friends,
Words by Ali  

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Book Thoughts: (Song Edition) Withdrawals by Tom MacDonald

Tom MacDonald released another music video. Normally, I’d wait till next week for another Tom MacDonald Friday, cause as Tom says that’s his day, but I want to get Withdrawals out now. Let’s get this amazing, and emotional, song trending on YouTube. Click the video link below to of course give the video a watch before getting into my breakdown. Let’s get going. 

The doctor said to talk to him
If I wanted to get off my meds
But I never called his office in
Poured the bottle in the garbage can
I'm stuck in this apartment and
I'm anxious like the cops are here
I tried to call, like, all my friends
And none of them are answering

Let me start off by saying that I have never personally dealt with addiction before.  However, I have know people close to me who have.  So, I just wanted to put that out there that these are my own personal feelings and opinions of someone who hasn't suffered addiction, but has dealt with some mental illness issues.  

In this first verse we see Tom talking about how he had to go through this period in his life by himself.  Of course I can't know for certain, but it sounds like the doctors (and meds they were giving him) weren't helping so he threw them out.  "I tried to call, like, all my friends and none of them are answering."  This line is one in this song that I can relate to most.  When you are in the midst of the days that are the hardest there either is no one there, or it feels that way.  When you need someone to have your back, it always seems to be the hardest time to find someone to just pick up the phone and talk.  

Is this the moment where I can't control it?
Got no appetite, I guess the party's over
I can't sleep at night, and I keep rolling over
'Cause my skin is itchy and the paranoia
Got me worried, sick, and it is so annoying
I been throwing up, it looked like motor oil
But I chosе to quit, and now I can't avoid it
The right things to do are the hardеst choices
Is this the moment when I need a donor?
Liver failing from the liquor pouring
All the room is spinning, it ain't vodka, soda
What is almost killing me is being sober

This verse is very powerful.  We get to see a very personal and private look into the hardest part of his getting sober.  Tom doesn't gloss over the horrible aspects of withdrawal that he went through.  The hardest hitting part of the whole verse though is when he says that all of this doesn't just feel like it's killing him, it very well could (as going through withdrawal can kill you), but that it's being sober that is causing him all of this physical and mental pain, "All the room is spinning, it ain't vodka, soda, what is almost killing me is being sober."  The whole idea that once you kick the addiction everything will be sunshine and roses really is just that, a dream (an idea).  There is more suffering, and pain, through the act of getting clean.

Talk about pitfalls, surrounded by brick walls
This is what kids call

Deleted every number from my phone, I'm staying home
Really wish that I was drunk with all my friends
I'm gonna beat it or I won't and overdose
Really wish that I was high with all my friends

The chorus gives us a bit of a look at the thoughts in Tom's head as he was struggling  with the effects of withdrawal.  First he says that he wishes "that I was drunk with all my friends," and than "with that I was high with all my friends."   While the end product of getting sober is why he's putting himself through the pain of it, but in the moment the easiest way to stop the suffering is to join everyone else who is still getting wasted.  Tom even says that there are only two ways through, "beat it or I won't and overdose."  I know I'm not the only one who is beyond grateful that he made it through to inspire millions with the music he makes. 

Never care for therapist
My arrogance embarrassing
It isn't fair the terror this
Addiction placed my parents in
I'm scared repair will never fix
The voluntary negligence
The wear and tear my errors did
They almost had to bury me

Here we have Tom talking about more than just what this does on himself, but on the people who loves him most.  His family.  He recognizes that his addiction doesn't just ruin his life, but the lives of your family.  Talking about his parents he says, "They almost had to bury me."  This is something that Tom has put in his songs in before.  Acknowledging that something this horrible effects everyone, and not just yourself.  Especially if you lose the battle.

Is this the moment where I screw up and relapse?
Waste all my money on rehab
Can't take a pill from the doctor to relax
Lash out in anger whenever I react
Feel like a weak man, I don't wanna be that
Living every day to get a buzz on the weekend
I'm in the deep end, fighting with demons
Tryna stay clean, I just really need a reason
My bones are shaking and my hands and feet
I see my rib cage, but I can't eat
I still wake up panicking, so I can't sleep
I just sit in the bathtub and try to breathe

Here Tom is talking about struggles of not just getting clean but staying clean.  He talks about being irritable and lashing out at the people around him.  The reasons to stay clean seem to be hard to find when coupled with everything he's going through.  Unable to sleep, to eat, to think it seem so overwhelming.  I can't even imagine what he, and others, might have gone through while struggling with this.  

Talk about pitfalls, surrounded by brick walls
This is what kids call

Deleted every number from my phone, I'm staying home
Really wish that I was drunk with all my friends
I'm gonna beat it or I won't and overdose
Really wish that I was high with all my friends

I've never felt this bad before
I don't know if I'll make it
Don't have the strength to get off the floor right now
But I'm hoping and praying
My whole life I wanted more
This might be the end
But now I've had too much fun, it's over now
I loved what I hated

"I never felt this bad before." I find this to be an interesting line (saying that, I find it completely believable).  He's saying this is as bad as he has felt.  Does this include the realization that the addiction could kill you?  The physical, mental, and emotional struggle all at once is truly the scariest thing that I would never really want to go through.

Deleted every number from my phone, I'm staying home
Really wish that I was drunk with all my friends
I'm gonna beat it or I won't and overdose
Really wish that I was high with all my friends

Deleted every number from my phone, I'm staying home
Really wish that I was drunk with all my friends
I'm gonna beat it or I won't and overdose
Really wish that I was high with all my friends

That's it for the song.  I just want to wrap it up by saying if you haven't watched the video scroll back to the top and watch it.  I've said this before, and I'll say it again, but the videos always back an added punch to all of Tom's songs (especially the emotional ones).  Watch it, because I truly believe that this isn't an act. I think that writing this song, and filming this video, caused the emotional reaction that you see in the video.  Tom literally in tears.  Some artists I wouldn't really believe, but with Tom I find him to be truly authentic.  

If you have his Flowers for the Dead album there is a song called Naz, which is about his dog dying while at the vet.  However, his dog made a miraculous resurrection and is doing great.  In this song you can literally hear the pain and tears breaking through his voice as he's writing about this horrible moment of nearly losing his dog.  That song literally made my mother cry.

All right everyone, that's it for this special installment of this series.  Going forward I will post one song each Friday.  Let me know what you thought in the comment section down below.

Other Tom MacDonald reviews 

Don’t Look Down

Dear Slim

Till Next Time Friends,
Words by Ali