Wednesday, July 14, 2021

Book Thoughts: Unmasked by Andy Ngo

I'm back with another book review.  I just got finished reading Unmasked by Andy Ngo, about the realities of ANTIFA that you won't hear in the media.  So, I have recently been reading a lot more non-fiction than I have in the past.  I used to not be into non-fiction, except for military memoirs (absolutely love those).  But, here's the thing I honestly probably never would have heard of this book if it weren't the extreme left trying to cancel someone for having the audacity to read a freaking book.  

Several months ago a read a news article about how one of the musicians from Mumford and Sons told his social media followers about this book and how he thought they all should read it.  They than bitched and moaned about how him reading this book, and posting it on his social hurt their feelings.  I'm sorry what?  How does someone you don't actually know reading a book you don't agree with affect your life in any way whatsoever?  If reading a book hurts your feelings I think you really need to do some self reflection and think about what's going on in your life, and not someone else's.  

To be completely honest, I think it is the books about ideas, thoughts, and opinions that you don't agree with that you need to read the most.  Why do you need to read them?  To get a little f-ing perspective.  If all your reading, and listening to is telling you about the same thing, over and over, than you aren't capable of having an informed opinion.  You have to be willing to listen to the otherside of the argument or you will be incapable of debating you points.  So, to all of the Cancel Culture trolls who tried to cancel this book, thanks for letting me know it exists :D  Now let's talk a little about the book itself.

Ngo's book addresses what ANTIFA has been doing within our country for the past few years, but most especially during 2019, and the riots in 2020.  Including his own run ins with the group, that always seem to end violently, and the author ending up in the hospital, and with the group stalking his private residence and family.  This book highlights several instances of violent attacks by ANTIFA that I didn't even know had happened.  But how could huge things, like what is talked about in this book, happen and you not know about it?  Because the mainstream media doesn't want to talk about it.  Which is ridiculous.  If something horrible is happening: people are being attacked/killed, buildings burned down, police officers attacked, and public figures are calling for people to actually cause violence and destruction than it needs to be talked about.  It shouldn't matter who the agressores are and who the victims are, it should be talked about and condemned.

This book is also very well written.  The information is put in a way that keeps the readers interest, and entertains.  Not only do I want to find more works from Andy Ngo to read but I want to read more about ANTIFA.  Not because i suddenly want to "join" them, but because knowledge is power.  Knowing and understanding what's going on around you helps you to be a better person.  I highly recommend that you read this book whether you agree with the information or disagree.  It's a great read, and it has helped me to see what is going on around the country I live in.

That's it for this post.  Thanks for taking the time to read my review.  If there's any books you think I should read and review let me know down in the comments.

Till Next Time Friends,

Words by Ali 

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