Monday, July 19, 2021

What's Happening: When Do Words Stop Having Meaning?

I'm back with some more thoughts on what's been going on in the world.  We've gotten to a point in society were words are used both so frequently, and incorrectly, that they no longer hold the meaning that they were intended to have.  They also no longer hold the power behind the meaning of the word.  What words in particular am I talking about?  That should be easy.  The words racist and anything with phobic at the end no longer hold the meaning that they once did, and it's truly a sorry state in the world that this is so.

So, how have we gotten to this state?  It's because there are a group of people out there who automatically label anything they disagree with bigoted, racist, or (which/whatever)-phobic.  The problem is labeling things that aren't bigoted as bigoted.  There is a difference between hate speech and speech that you hate.

What people don't understand when it comes to this is that when you over use, and incorrectly use, a word it takes away the meaning of it.  It makes real instances of bigotry and racism feel like it means less.   People now have to take the time to decypher each individual instance and decide which one of these types it falls under.  Real hate, or just someone not agreeing with you. 

Let's look at some definitions: 

Racism: a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human racial groups determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to dominate others or that a particular racial group is inferior to the others.


Phobic: an aversion toward, dislike of, or disrespect for a thing, idea, person, or group.

So, what do these definitions have in common?  Hate.  But that's hate on the part of the one saying or doing, and not the person who avows them as bigots.  The feelings and beliefs of hate have to be on the part of the person who is racist or phobic.  A person has the ability to disagree with someone's thoughts, opinions, and social leanings and not automatically be a bigot.  

By labeling everyone a racist, or as phobic, just because they disagree with this one small point doesn't mean that they are a horrible person.  Now if you are unable to listen to someone else's opinion with respect, with out name calling, and without slinging around bigoted terms than the problem may be with you and not them.  Have you ever heard the phrase that "when someone protests too much"?  It basically means that when you are constantly going on about one thing, it may mean you really believe the opposite.

Let's challenge ourselves.  Next time someone comes to you with a differing opinion don't immediately throw around those terms and decry them as bigoted jerks.  Let them say their peace, listen to what they have to say, and actually consider their point of view.  Not only does this show that you are a kind, empathetic, and respectful human being but it shows that you are willing to learn and grow and be an all around better person.  Challenge yourselves to be a better person.

That's it for this post.  Leave me your thoughts and opinions down below in the comments.  I'd love to hear what you all think.

Till Next Time Friends,
Words by Ali  

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