Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I just started my summer classes last week.  One English class one Math class.  I haven't taken a Math class in nearly two years, since I transfered up to the U of U.  I though since it had been so long since I had taken a Math class that this one would be fairly difficult.  It is a Trigonometry class.

I realized in the past week how much I actually like doing Math.  Not just because I find most of it easy.  I really do like doing it.  There is just somehting about solving a math problem that I find to be fun.  As long as I understand what I am doing.

I think even though I am an English major I have to keep learning Math.  It will keep my brian smart, and I find it interesting.

Words by Ali

Monday, May 16, 2011

A Road Trip

My Mom and I just got back from a week long road trip to Arizona, and I have to admit it was some of the most fun I've had.  Certainly the most fun I've ever had with my mother, and for an extended period of time no less.

The trip down to Arizona was between 10 and 11 hours, and we did the trip in one day.  We had a great time.  Listened to music, since I brought nearly every C.D. I own, talked about just about everything, and laughed at jokes that might not have been funny in any other setting.  The most miraculous thing about it all was that we didn't argue, or fight, once on the entire 11 hour car ride.  Usually we only need to be in the car no more than ten minutes before it starts, but not that day.  I'd been praying about it before we left, and God sure came through.

The four days we spent there had a few bumps, but the majority of the time was great.  We stayed at my Grandma's house, and we spent most of our time with my sister, Katie, and nephew, Levi.  The whole reason we went was because my Mom wanted to see Levi.  That is one smart, and crazy, kid.  I'm not just saying this because he's my nephew.  He is one of the most well reasoned two year olds you will ever meet.  He's also a laugh riot, and doesn't stop for a second.

On the drive back my Mom decided to break up the drive into two days, and we spent Friday night in Las Vegas. We had just as great of a time there too.  We did some gambling, but not a lot, and didn't win a thing.  I guess that's just Vegas for you.

We finally made it home safely Saturday night.  What I learned on this trip is that my Mother and I can have an amazing time out by ourselves if we just let ourselves have fun.

Words by Ali

Monday, May 9, 2011

Next Celebrity Obsession

Every now and again I find myself in a new celebrity obsession. Not that the previous one just disappeared, but has lessened as another starts to take its place.  It can be a band, a specific musician, or (in this case) an actor.  Which actor might it be now?  Timothy Olyphant. 

He's not new as in I just found him as an actor, because I've known about him for quite awhile.  The first movie I remember him from is the very small role of the hitchhiker from A Life Less Ordinary.  It is more that I've rediscovered how much I enjoy his movies, and his good looks.

Most recently Timothy is the star of the FX drama Justified; which is about Federal U.S. Marshall Raylan Givens who is transferred reluctantly to his small Kentucky hometown.  The second season just finished and if you haven't seen Justified you should go and see it now.  Before season three starts.

So, of course being my NCO I went online and found out all of the movies he has been in.  That way I can go watch all of the movies he has been in that i hadn't seen yet.  Or re-watch the ones I had already seen, and loved.

I had already seen Hitman, Dreamcatcher, and Live Free or Die Hard but I had no problem watching them again.  More than once.

I had no idea he was in either A Man Apart or The Perfect Getaway.  They were both good movies, especially The Perfect Getaway.  One hell of a twisted ending, that I didn't see coming until it actually happened.  That is always a sign of a good movie.

If you haven't seen any of Timothy Oyphant's movies, or if you have, go see one of his movies I've mentioned. Or one of his other movies that weren't mentioned. It'll be worth it.

Words by Ali

Sunday, May 1, 2011

To Trust God

I almost didn't go to church last night. The reason being that I have two final papers due Wednesday for my classes and I thought I was going to be way too busy working on them. Well, I ended up getting more than halfway done with the longer of the two papers and I decided I needed to go.
I'm glad I went, for one reason because there are a lot of amazing people who go there and I love hanging out with them. The other reason was because I think that is where God wanted me last night. Steele gave an amazing talk, in our Proverbs series, about Trusting God. People would think, "I'm a Christian, I believe in God. So, that means I trust God." But that doesn't necessarily mean that's true.
Trusting God is more than just you believing He is real. It's about going to God with everything in your life, good or bad. It's about prayer, praise, worship, and so much more.
  • God is love.
  • God is good and kind.
  • God is merciful.
  • God is gracious.
  • God is in control.
  • God is wise.
  • God is powerful.
  • God is everything we have ever seen that is perfect, beautiful and holy.

Knowing this about God should make everyone realize that God deserves our Trust. In everything in our lives: Past, Present, and most certainly our Future. I know God has been trying to teach me that I need to read His word more regularly, and to pray more. And that is exactly what I'm going to do. I plan to start slow and work my way up to more. Every day I'll read:

  • 1 Proverb
  • 1 Psalm
  • 1 chapter out of the New Testament

Yes, it will take me 260 days to get through the New Testament, but it's a place to start. And for God I know it is worth it.

Praise God for He is Good!!!


Words by Ali