Sunday, June 20, 2010


I had awoken every morning in this dark and barren wasteland. The earth scorched and infirtle. The trees browned and britle. Everyday I would set out into the sun burnt lands for water. I was searching for that which would give me life.

Not the hopeless, soul shattering existence I had wandered in each day. I needed to find what would give me hope. Give my life purpose and meaning. Give me an unconditional love that I would always be at a loss to understand. As I sat in the sand staring at the vast nothing, with the sun beating down on my faire skin, I had started to believe it didn't exist.

The days turned into weeks, into months, and to years. Alone the time passed even more slowly. There was nowhere I could go and no one I could turn to. I was at the point where there was nowhere to go but down. The path I was following lead to only more desolation.

I turned to look over my shoulder, and from the corner of my eye I saw green. I could see a lush green paradise streched out in front of me. I was reluctant to cross over, despite how peacefully it appeared to be. I resisted, not wanting to leave the only life I'd ever known.

He stood there before me with open arms, inviting me to Him. I could feel the love He had for me, and I knew it was real. I still fought with myself to take those last few steps. In His eyes I could see everything that I had been searching for.

He smiled and reached out his hand to me. I did the only thing I could do and fell into His arms. He held me tight, promising to never let me go. The day I turned my life over to God my entire world changed.

I knew it wouldn't be easy, and I would have to give more of myself then I ever thought possible. I also knew that God would never give me more then He knew I could handle. God had made me. He knew me better then I will ever know myself. When things get hard, as they inevitably would, I knew where to go for strength and comfort. My Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.

He saved me from the wasteland and gave me a purpose that I've been trying to fulfill. I live my life from day to day, but now I do it following what God commands.

It's not easy, in fact at times it seems so much harder. I still stumble and fall back to the scorched and barren land that was my life. Now though I know He's there to pick me up, to help me back to my feet. No matter how far I may run He's always right beside me, waiting for me to ask for His loving hand.

God has been teaching me, and still is, that I'm never alone. When I'm weak He's strong. When I'm angry He's patient. When I'm hateful He's loving. He is everything I strive to be. With the love and guidence of God I can become more like Him each day.

1 comment:

  1. Really powerful picture you paint here. You've got a talent for writing. Thanks for sharing this.
