Monday, August 2, 2021

What's Happening: A Rose By Any Other Name, Or Maybe Not?

What's the easiest and quickest way to get your point across to someone else?  By using words that have developed an established meaning over years, decades, and centuries.  We as a society have agreed upon what words are and what they mean.  But we have reached a point in society where a small, select, group of people have decided that we need to change what words mean.  Not just that the meaning but, without really caring what the majority of people around them think, have decided that we need to also change how we use these words as well.  You might be asking why would someone what to do this?  Isn't obvious, because a minority of people don't want to be offended.  Back to that are we?  Yes, because it never seems to end.

Honestly, it feels like sometimes that we need to just create a new language to be used alongside the one we already have.  I've spent my entire life learning the English language and now a small, but very loud, few have decided for everyone else that it's not good enough for them and needs to be changed.  

I mean since when did the words man and woman become offensive?  That is literally one of the most ridiculous things I've heard lately.  People getting literally offended because they use either man or woman to describe a person.  It's gotten to a point where the minority of society says we can't just use the word woman.  We have to describe exactly what we mean by woman.  Were they born a woman? (mention that) Where they born a man, but identify as a woman? (mention that) Do they have breasts? (mention that) Do they menstrate? (mention that) Do they breastfeed? (mention that).

This is literally what we've come to.  Let me just say that I don't have any issue with anyone you identifies with a different gender.  I'm all for people being who they are.  Of course I'm going to assume based on appearance, but if you tell me otherwise I will respect that.   That being said there has to be a line.  If we as people are unable to talk to each other using words that are already established and understandable than how are we supposed to have  a meaningful conversation?  I am a woman, and I that's it.  I refuse to have to explain to anyone else the "type" of woman I am.  

Alright, that's it for today.  Let me know your thoughts and opinions down in the comment section below.  

Till Next Time Friends, 
Words by Ali 

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