Monday, March 14, 2011

My Amazing Kindle

Hey folks, long time no see. I'm up to my old tricks of being a slacker. Doesn't mean I don't have anything to say though.

I've had my Kindle E-Reader for just over two years now. Can I just say I love it. I'll be the first to admit that it's not for everyone. But for an avid reader like myself, it is a must. It makes it so much easier to give me choices on what to read without having to bring five books along. It also keeps my back pack from breaking my back. Here are a few things I'd like to say about my Kindle:

1.) I have just started subscribing to two different newspapers on the Kindle, and it makes newspaper reading and staying up on current affairs so much easier. You must know what a pain it is to have to bring a huge printed paper on a train everyday. This is certainly easier. So, I'm currently reading The Salt Lake Tribune and The Moscow Times. If you've been following my blog, or you know me, you'll know why The Moscow Times. Oh Russia.

2.) It only took me two years to figure it out, but I've finally found a way to combine my e-books into collections. I still can't believe I didn't figure it out sooner. But you know what I think? Better later then never.

3.) I've also found that Amazon lets you publish your blogs on the Kindle, and people (That's you reading this) can subscribe to my blog if you have a Kindle or a smart phone. I think it only costs like $0.99 a month. I'm not the one who put a price on it, Amazon did. I'd give it away for free if it where up to me. It's still pretty cool though.

That's all for now. Let me just say again that I love my Kindle, and if you love books as much as I do you should definitely invest in one. It is totally worth it.

Words by Ali


  1. I just received a Kindle for Christmas, and I love it too. I agree it's a must for avid readers :) I haven't used it to subscribe to newspapers, yet.
    I have the new Kindle with free 3G and wi-fi and if you are able to get online with your kindle you can actually just go to blogger or the blog address you want to read and read the blog for free. I think the subscribing to blogs from Amazon thing should be free since you can read them for free with just a little extra work, but I guess they are taking the extra work out of the equation so they are charging for it. (though $0.99/mo isn't much :)

    Great share!!

  2. I have the Kindle 2, and I'm not sure it'll let me get on the internet beyond searching for more e-books.

  3. I really want one of these! They sound really cool and useful... but it slightly bothers me that paper books aren't being bought anymore... and surely its not too great for yours eyes, constantly staring at a screen?

    Nice blog though :)

  4. Just because I have a Kingle doesn't mean I've stopped buying actual books. I like having the Kindle for the convienence, like when I'm traveling or on the train to school and back every other day. I still have my massive book collection, that's always growing.
