Monday, February 2, 2015

A Review of the Final Jessica Darling Novel 'Perfect Fifths' by Megan McCafferty

I'm going to tell you why the final Jessica Darling novel Perfect Fifths is just that, perfect. There are plenty of people out there who will disagree with my opinion and tell you how they hated it, and it was pointless, but I'm here to tell you why I think it's the perfect ending.

Anyone who has read the first two books in the series know that Marcus and Jessica's relationship has never been one for convention. They have always been messy, neurotic, and at times incomprehensible. At times Perfect Fifths finds itself being all these things, paralleling Marcus and Jessica's tumulus relationship throughout the years. The dozens of pages of non-stop dialogue, the haikus, and the way both Marcus and Jessica are blind to anything but each other after a chance airport meeting, show the crazy and sometimes hard to understand love that they have.

It doesn't matter that they not only ended the relationship, and haven't seen each other in, three years. They've always had a love that didn't conform, even if they had tried. Which is why I feel this novel was not pointless. For the love that they have, on and off again, is one that never truly goes away, even if the breakup appeared so final.

Some of those who didn't like this book say that it wasn't an ending, and that's one of the reasons they don't like it. But, having read not just Perfect Fifths but every Jessica Darling book in existence I feel like any real final ending would have been the wrong move. I would love nothing more than to read more about adult Marcus and Jessica's further relationship, I would read it in a heartbeat. That of course is beside the point. Their relationship over the years has been one beginning after another, after another. Which is why Marcus and Jessica's new beginning is a perfect ending. The ending for us was a beginning for them. And until I read otherwise it may be the final beginning.

I know that not all of you will agree with my opinion, because nobody will ever agree on everything. I understand that my opinion is not law, but conversely neither are yours. I've read some reviews of this novel that make anyone who disagrees with them, those who liked the novel, seem stupid and don't know good literature. I respect all other opinions that don't like this novel, but you all should respect others opinions too.

My opinion is if you are a Jessica Darling fan than you should read the entire series. Even if you don't end up agreeing with me, it's better to have read and not liked it then to have never given it the chance at all. So, read Perfect Fifths and form your own opinion. I've read some novel that I wish I hadn't, but at least I can form my own opinion of them, and not someone else's. And you should to. If you love reading, than read.

Words by Ali

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