Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Book Club

Hello there blogger-verse.  I know it's been awhile since I've been on, but I'm back.  I have decided that I am going to start an online book club.  I love to read, and I know that a lot of the people I know love to read, as well as a lot of people out there in the web space like to read as well.

So, why not start a place where people can come together from all over the place and read and talk about books?  I mean if i'm interested in reading, and discussing, novels then there must be others out there who want to do the same.  Right?

There's this website called that I have created my pages on.  I have actually started three separate clubs.  Each with a different focus.  That's what I do, I want to read everything all at once.

1.)  The first book club is the general one.  This one is for everyone who loves reading anything.  We will be reading any novel that people want to read.  No matter the age group, or the genre.  If someone wants to read it I'm up for putting it on the agenda.

2.)   The second book club is  for those people who like to read teen novels.  It doesn't matter if you are actually a teen or if you are an adult.  If you like to read novels that are marketed as YA than this club is definitely for you.  It will have all the current teen novels that are being read, as well as the books from  previous decades.  Just because a book was written say 10 or 20 years ago doesn't mean it doesn't still have something to say to teens, or adults that read teen books.

3.)  The third and final club is all about Russian literature.  If you're interested in reading any kind of Russian literature than this club is the right one.  I want to have classics, such as those by authors like Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, as wells as modern Russian authors that are writing their novels today.  I also want to look at novels written during the Soviet Era, for and against, as well as Russian literary criticism.  Anything Russian could be read and discussed.

So, all of you reading this if you are interested in reading than check this out.  I want this book club to be for everyone.  Not just my friends, but for those out there I don't know who love to read.  These book clubs are still for you.  Come check them out.

Words by Ali