You know when you get out of the habit of doing something its even more difficult getting back into it. Well of course you know. I'm sure the very same thing has happened to you. I'm trying to reform my habit of using the workout facilities at my apartment complex, and its been hard going.
I've been telling myself since the beginning of January that I was going to start up again. But really I've only been doing it faithfully now for the past week and a half. That's a start though. Right.
The only way to get back into something is to do it. But you can't make a habit of something until you do it the first time. That first time is critical, because without it you'll never be able to get to the second and third and fourth and so on.
So, take it one day at a time and before you know it you'll be back in the habit. At least I sure hope that works out well for me.
Words by Ali
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad