Monday, March 29, 2021

What's Happening: Biden Wants To Step All Over the Constitution?

 You know it's interesting that I've never really been interested in Politics before.  Never really cared to watch the news, read about what is happening in the government, or really what was going on outside of my own world.  That is until recently.  With everything that has happened in this past year: from Covid-19 hitting the world, the U.S. Elections, and now everything that has been happening in this country since Biden took office, I've found myself learning more and more about what is actually happening.  Funnily enough it took the shit hitting the fan for me to actively want to be in the know.

The issue I will be talking about in this post comes from the article below.  Go ahead and head over to the original article and give it a read before coming back to find out my thoughts, and opinions, on the subject.

Original Article Here

In case you chose not to read the article, here's the main points.  Back in 2015, in Texas, the police seized a man's guns after he was made to go under a psychiatric hold when the man's wife believed he may be suicidal.  The thing about this was that the police had no warrant to search his home, and seize his firearms.  Let's look at a quick quote:

"Forbes noted that the Biden administration urged the Supreme Court to side with the police, saying “the ultimate touchstone of the Fourth Amendment is ‘reasonableness,’” and that official warrants should not be “presumptively required when a government official’s action is objectively grounded in a non-investigatory public interest, such as health or safety.”

Even leftist Justice Sonia Sotomayor appeared to take issue with what happened, noting, “there was no immediate danger to the person threatening suicide and no immediate danger to the wife because the suicide person [sic] was removed to a hospital.”

Sotomayor said that she did not have a problem with the man being forced to undergo a psychiatric evaluation and noted that the issue was police “going into the home without attempt to secure consent from the wife and seizing the gun and then keeping it indefinitely until a lawsuit is filed.”"

What Biden is is pressing the Supreme Court to do is not only wrong, but a literal violation of you 4th Amendment rights.  Do you know what your 4th Amendment rights are?  Let me inform those who aren't aware, "The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized."  This means that the police are not legally allowed to enter an American's home, without a warrant, and seize their property.  This still means guns.

Biden wants police officers to be able to, under the idea of public health and safety, to be able to go into an American's home and take their firearms.  The fact that the President of the United States wants to infringe on not just one, but two, of our Constitution Rights is more than just disturbing.  This man is supposed be upholding the Constitution and protecting the rights of the American people, and this is anything but that.

The funny thing is I'm not really a gun person.  I don't own any.  However, that being said if that I 100% behind Americans lawfully owning firearms if that is their choice.  The thing that people don't realize about this kind of Constitutional infringement is that once they attack one they will come after another, and another until there aren't any left.  Just look at this article, in the name of gun control President Biden wants to infringe on both the 2nd and the 4th Amendment.

Well, that's it for now.  Honestly, I could probably go on and on about how much this kind of Political Power BS pisses me off.  But we will save that for another day, and another article.  Because clearly the way that everything is going we will most definitely will see more of this kind of thing happening.  You just wait.

Till Next Time,

Words by Ali

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