Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Another Look: Trump, Guns, And the Double Standard Hypocrisy

Remember in the last post when I said that these things are going to happen again?  Well, looks like I was right.  This post links back directly to the last post I did about Biden wanting to infringe on both the 2nd and 4th Amendments.  I'll link that post just here:

After writing, and posting, the thoughts from the link above I came across another article.  This article shows the hypocrisy and double standard amongst the Left-Wing Liberals.  The Liberal Extremists are all about gun control.  They want to make it harder for law-abiding citizens to purchase guns, to ban certain firearms, and to make it illegal to have guns in more and more places.  If you read the previous article, link above, than you know that Biden was pressuring the Supreme Court to have the police come into people's homes and take firearms without a warrant for "safety" reasons.  Now to the new article:

This article is talking about how while President Trump tried to ban bump stocks, that turn rifles into essentially machine guns after a mass shootings.  Owning machine guns was already illegal, and Trump was trying to make it illegal to own a device that turns a legal firearm into an illegal machine gun.

The original articles says:

"The Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals placed a hold on a federal ban on bump stocks on Thursday, ruling that the Trump-era regulation may be unconstitutional.

A panel of judges on the Sixth Circuit decided 2-1 that former President Donald Trump’s administration likely violated the Constitution when it banned bump stocks in February 2018. Trump issued an executive order banning “all devices that turn legal weapons into machine guns” following a mass shooting in Las Vegas."

"In response to Trump’s executive order, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF) reinterpreted federal law that generally bans public ownership of machine guns. A machine gun under federal law is defined as any weapon that can automatically fire more than one shot per single pull of the trigger."


What we see here in this article is a double standard when it comes to Democratic Politicians and Republican.  Three years the Courts are now deciding that President Trump, in an effort to actually do something useful towards gun control, was infringing on Americans 2nd Amendment  rights by trying to ban bump stocks.  Yet, Democrats who are all about even harsher gun control laws, that truly do stomp all over our Constitution.  Biden not only doesn't care about the 2nd Amendment or the 4th, because he doesn't really think the police should need a warrant to come into your homes if you legally own guns.

Yet, we don't hear anything about President Trump wanting to ban bump stocks, and to make sure legal firearms can't become illegal firearms.  Why is it that all you were when it comes to Trump and guns all you hear is that he is fighting against the Liberal gun control agenda because its a Constitutional right.  We don't hear about these things from mainstream media.  All we hear about is that Democrats want more gun control and Republicans just want guns.  Come on people.  Let's look at all the facts before making decisions on what is going on in the world.  This certainly gives you something to think about.

Till Next Time, 
Words by Ali

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